Europe is Making a Fatal Mistake

Allowing millions of refugees from the Muslim Middle East into Europe will end up as a catastrophe for Europe, and therefore for the West.
Of course we help them, we allow these benighted Syrians, Iraqis and others to go from hell into heaven. But who’ll think about us? Numerous European people as I am feel that they’re not “at home” in their own countries. Refugees come here and do nothing – they receive gratuity, and we are paying taxes. Why must we spend upwards of billion dollars to feed and clothe them? The economic growth and unemployment rates of the EU countries are not robust enough to handle a vast number of newcomers.
Immigration had made it more difficult for citizens to find employment and placed too much pressure on public services such as health care and education. Refugees bore their children who grow in our countries and as a result they (children) consider Europe as their home. Europe will be spared the choice of Islamisation or civil war!
Second. It is as certain as night follows day that IS and other terror groups will place terrorists among the refugees coming into Europe. We are in danger! A big part of refugees is young men. So why don’t they fight against terrorists in their countries?
Third, crime level is increasing. Absolute numbers of crimes were committed by Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis. Migrants in Germany committed or tried to commit some 69,000 crimes in the first quarter of 2016.
I’m sure that European countries are threatened. Our governments must limit immigration to safe our values, culture and peace.

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